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WBPSC ICDS and Clerkship final result official update 2021

Chairman Every other day we keep receiving numerous queries from Government job aspirants located across the length and breadth of the State, on various subjects related to our recruitment processes, mainly through e-mails, written applications, SMS, WhatsApp Messages and Phone Calls. Such questions are often repetitive in nature and replying to each and every job aspirant separately is a very difficult proposition, if not impossible. This gives rise to speculations, and quite often a half-truth or absolutely false information gets propagated in social media, creating utter confusion among job aspirants, and misleading them. This bulletin is an attempt to answer some of the relevant questions commonly asked by job aspirants in relation to different aspects of the recruitment processes conducted by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal. We intend to repeat this exercise as and when the occasion arises.


Both the Examinations were taken on the basis of Descriptive Papers requiring manual examination. Examination of almost 4 lakh descriptive answer scripts (for both the Exams) has already been taken up, but the intended progress could not be achieved owing to onset of the COVID Pandemic, the resultant closure of Government Offices and dislocation of the public transport system. Though we are trying our level best to expedite things, no definite time line for declaration of results can be committed in the present circumstances. It is however made clear that there is very little possibility of publication of results in the next 2 months.


Very often we keep receiving requests for publication of Waiting Lists along with the list of recommended candidates in a recruitment process, so that the vacancies created as a result of non-joining of any of the selected candidates can be filled up expeditiously. Some job aspirants have also expressed apprehension that non-publication of waiting lists would imply not filling the resultant vacancies, thereby depriving a number of genuine job aspirants.

The fact is that the WBPSC always recommends candidates exactly equal to the number of notified vacancies, as per its extant Rules of Procedure. A panel of candidates following those selected in order of merit is also prepared by WBPSC, category wise, and kept ready for filling up vacancies likely to arise out of non-joining of the selected candidates, if any. Names from the panel are however, communicated to the indenting Government Department only after we receive an official intimation regarding non-joining of selected candidates along with notifications cancelling the appointment letters already issued, from them. Recommendation of candidates against such non-joining vacancies is thereafter communicated to the Government Department, and notified in the website of the Commission for information of all concerned. There is therefore, no reason to think that any vacancy would remain unfulfilled owing to non-joining of any selected candidate. The WBPSC is committed to ensure that no advertised post remains vacant, as long as there are sufficient candidates available in any particular category.


Requests are often received from job aspirants for declaring reservation of posts under EWS category in different recruitment notifications issued by WBPSC. The fact is that WBPSC has absolutely no role in the matter. The status of reservation against any post is decided by the indenting Government Department, in accordance with the 100-Point Roster in force and not the WBPSC.

If we receive indents earmarking certain posts for the EWS category in any recruitment process, we will definitely advertise the post accordingly. But WBPSC cannot on its own determine which of the posts shall be reserved for EWS.


Many job aspirants request the WBPSC to publish new vacancy notifications in different categories of Posts like Junior Engineer, Clerks, SI of Food etc. The fact is that the WBPSC advertises vacancies only on receipt of indent from the concerned Government Department in the manner specified. WBPSC has no role whatsoever in determining the number of vacancies and therefore, it cannot ensure that vacancies of any particular category will be advertised within any given time frame.


Requests are often received from job aspirants for publication of tentative schedules of forthcoming Examinations and Interviews to help them in their preparations. WBPSC intends to do so, and had been publishing such tentative calendars some time back, but the initiative had to be abandoned owing to the uncertainties arising out of the COVID pandemic.

WBPSC uses many Government premises spread all over the State for conduct of the examinations and it is very difficult to organize such mammoth events without the active support and cooperation of the District Administrative Machinery. It is therefore, very difficult to predict the dates for forthcoming examinations precisely unless the restrictions on congregation of more than 50 persons is withdrawn by the Government, and the Public Transport System is normalized. The following tentative dates have however been fixed for the major examinations on the presumption that all restrictions would be withdrawn from July 2021:

Sl. No.DateExamination
125-Jul-21Inspector of Legal Metrology (Advt. No. 8/2020)
225-Jul-21Workshop Instructor (Advt. No. 2/2020)
37-Aug-21WBA & AS(Prelim) Exam, 2020 (Advt. No. 17/2020)
422-Aug-21WBCS (Exe) (Prelim) Exam, 2021 (Advt. No. 18/2020)
527, 28, 29, 31 Aug-21WBCS (Exe.) (Main) Exam, 2020 (Advt. No. 22/2019)

Following is the Tentative List of the forthcoming Interviews/ Personality Tests

Sl. No.PostAdvt. No.Tentative Dates
1Assistant Director of Horticulture4(1)/202028-Jun to 09-Jul-21
2Works Accountant23/201805-Jul to 3-Aug-21
3Assistant Engineer (Civil)13/202015-Jul onwards
4WBCS (Exe) 2019 - C & D Group23/201815-Jul onwards


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