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SSC CGL 2019 All english Synonyms, Antonyms, one word , Idioms phrases, spelling Mistakes Questions PDF free download


One Word Substitutions Asked In SSC CGL Exams 2019 

Here we have shared 36 One Word Substitution Questions Asked In SSC CGL Tier 1 Exams 2019:

  1. Something that cannot be heard – Inaudible
  2. A song sung at a burial – Dirge
  3. A period of ten years – Decade
  4. One who leaves his own country to settle in another –  Emigrant
  5. A place where clothes are kept – Wardrobe
  6. A person very reserved in speech – Reticent
  7. Morals that govern one’s behavior – Ethics
  8. Open refusal to obey orders – Defiance
  9. One who loads and unloads ships – Stevedore
  10. A sudden rush of a large number of frightened people or animals. – Stampede
  11. One who is preoccupied with his own interests – Egoist
  12. A geometrical figure with eight sides – Octagon
  13. One who loves his country – Patriot
  14. Incapable of paying debts – Insolvent
  15. A long and aggressive speech – Harangue
  16. The school or college in which one has been educated – Alma Mater
  17. Enclosed area where aircraft are kept and repaired – Hangar
  18. A short story with a moral, usually with animals as characters. – Fable
  19. Having two opposing feelings at the same time – Ambivalent
  20. A group of ships – Fleet
  21. Pertaining to an individual from birth – Congenital
  22. To increase the speed – Accelerate
  23. A person who attracts attention with a flashy style – Flamboyant
  24. A person who preaches religion and is considered to be a messenger of God. – Prophet
  25. A game in which neither party wins – Draw
  26. That which cannot be satisfied – Insatiable
  27. A place where plants are grown for sale – Nursery
  28. Putting to death painlessly to end suffering – Euthanasia
  29. To rise in value – Appreciate
  30. To brighten up with lights – Illuminate
  31. Central character in a story or play – Protagonist
  32. Person or animal living on another – Parasite
  33. Having something more than required – Surplus
  34. Anger about an unfair situation or about someone’s unfair behaviour – Indignation
  35. A building where grain is kept or stored – Granary
  36. Working very hard and very carefully – Diligent

Idioms & Phrases Asked In SSC CGL Exams 2019 

Here we have shared 36 Idioms & Phrases Questions Asked In SSC CGL Tier 1 Exams 2019:

  1. To take French leave – Leave without any intimation 
  2. A hard nut to crack – A difficult problem
  3. A snake in the grass – A secret enemy
  4. On shank’s mare – On foot 
  5. Blow one’s own trumpet – Praise oneself 
  6. Spill the beans – Give away a secret 
  7. Back to square one – Come to the original point 
  8. Dead heat – Close contest that ends in a tie
  9. The bee’s knees – Extraordinary
  10. To throw a fit – Express extreme anger
  11. Bring to light – Reveal clearly
  12. Hold water – To be valid 
  13. A bed of roses – An easy and happy situation
  14. A close-fisted person – A miserly person
  15. To take the bull by the horns – To handle difficulties
  16. To flog a dead horse – To waste the efforts
  17. To add fuel to the fire – To make a bad situation worse
  18. Hobson’s Choice – An apparently free choice where there is no real alternative
  19. Chicken-hearted – Cowardly 
  20. By and By – Gradually
  21. Pull a fast one – Trick someone 
  22. See eye to eye –  Agree with someone
  23. To paddle one’s own canoe – Depend on oneself  
  24. Like a dying duck in a thunderstorm – Dejected
  25. Look down upon – To consider someone inferior
  26. Keep abreast of – Keep oneself updated 
  27. Come to the point – To speak plainly about the real issue
  28. Give a piece of one’s mind – To rebuke someone strongly 
  29. Cut and dried – Already decided 
  30. At large – not caught
  31. Kill two birds with one stone – To achieve two results with a single effort 
  32. Make off with – To run away
  33. Blind alley – A situation in which no further progress can be made
  34. The acid test – A fact, event or situation that proves something  
  35. To take a back seat – To become less important or to give up control over things
  36. To bark up the wrong tree – To do something that will not get the result you want

Synonyms Asked In SSC CGL Exams 2019 

Here we have shared the list of 36 Synonyms Questions Asked In SSC CGL Tier 1 Exams 2019:

  • Word       –       Synonyms
  1. Obligatory – Mandatory
  2. Scintillating – Glittering
  3. Pathetic – Pitiful
  4. Penitence – Repentance
  5. Implore – Plead
  6. Glorious – Splendid
  7. Revere – Respect
  8. Prevent – Avert
  9. Acknowledgement – Confirmation
  10. Prodigal –  Extravagant
  11. Fury – Anger
  12. Solitary – Singular
  13. Expensive – Dear
  14. Retain – Maintain
  15. Erudite – Learned
  16. Violent – Aggressive
  17. Deficiency – Inadequacy
  18. Catastrophic – Disastrous
  19. Ovation – Applause
  20. Preferred – Favoured
  21. Disheartened – Depressed
  22. Cordial – Warm
  23. Juvenile – Childish
  24. Repercussion – Reaction
  25. Sacred – Holy
  26. Weary – Exhausted
  27. Affluent – Prosperous
  28. Accurate – Precise
  29. Assault – Attack
  30. Thrive – Flourish
  31. Solemn – Serious
  32. Eradicate – Uproot
  33. Abort – End
  34. Exceed – Surpass
  35. Relief – Aid
  36. Inclement – Dignified

Antonyms Asked In SSC CGL Exams 2019 

Here we have shared the list of 36 Antonyms Questions Asked In SSC CGL Tier 1 Exams 2019:

  • Words – Antonyms
  1. Exodus –  Arrival
  2. Quiescent – Active
  3. Vicious – Virtuous
  4. Hilarious – Sad
  5. Vigilant – Rash
  6. Flexible – Stiff
  7. Liberty – Dependence
  8. Broad – Narrow
  9. Obsolete – Recent
  10. Derogatory – Complimentary
  11. Sparse – Abundant
  12. Friendship – Enmity
  13. Dexterity – Ignorance
  14. Divide – Unite 
  15. Bizarre – Usual
  16. Allure – Repulse
  17. Sluggish – Active
  18. Hostile – Amiable
  19. Persist – Cease
  20. Glee – Woe
  21. Fickle – Stable            
  22. Haste – Delay
  23. Stringent  – Lenient
  24. Grotesque – Attractive
  25. Native – Foreign
  26. Repulsive – Attractive
  27. Assist – Obstruct
  28. Industrious – Lethargic
  29. Malice – Goodwill
  30. Foul – Fair
  31. Persuade – Dissuade
  32. Rear – Front
  33. Mellow – Hard
  34. Emerge – Disappear
  35. Humane – Cruel
  36. Extol – Censure

Spelling Mistakes/Errors Asked In SSC CGL Exams 2019 

Here we have shared the list of 110+ Spelling Errors/Mistakes Questions Asked In SSC CGL Tier 1 Exams 2019:

  1. Exhaust
  2. Exhibit
  3. Exhale
  4. Extract
  5. Humiliation
  6. Bouquet
  7. Sarcasm
  8. Retaliate
  9. Elegant
  10. Flashy
  11. Practical
  12. Flexible
  13. Persuasion
  14. Ostentation
  15. Mansion
  16. Extension
  17. Partner
  18. Piteous
  19. Pierce
  20. Pursue
  21. Negligible
  22. Negotiate
  23. Necessary
  24. Nuisance
  25. Compromise
  26. Chronology
  27. Competence
  28. Consummation
  29. Turmoil
  30. Tamarind
  31. Truthful
  32. Treasure
  33. Encouragement
  34. Embarrassment
  35. Conscientious
  36. Commotion
  37. Veterinary
  38. Rehearsal
  39. Employed
  40. Separable
  41. Impeach
  42. Itinerant
  43. Ignorance
  44. Influence
  45. Denial
  46. Deter
  47. Deliver
  48. Decision
  49. Champion
  50. Chauffer
  51. Choir
  52. Charisma
  53. Creator
  54. Cricketer
  55. Cracker
  56. Cremator
  57. Definition
  58. Competitor
  59. Proliferate
  60. Beneficiary
  61. Recruitment
  62. Reimbursement 
  63. Surveillance
  64. Bureaucracy
  65. Commemorate
  66. Definite
  67. Alliance
  68. Acquaintance
  69. Abandon
  70. Acquisition
  71. Fierce
  72. Seize
  73. Piece
  74. Grief
  75. Rebel
  76. Delegate
  77. Edible
  78. Monarch
  79. Opportunity
  80. Obscure
  81. Omission
  82. Obsolete
  83. Aggression
  84. Millionaire
  85. Temperature
  86. Catalogue
  87. Grievance
  88. Sovereignty
  89. Renaissance
  90. Itinerary
  91. Alien
  92. Across
  93. Awful
  94. Already
  95. Guaranty
  96. Guardian
  97. Guidance
  98. Guilty
  99. Actually
  100. Pursuit
  101. Parallel
  102. Opinion
  103. Affiliate
  104. Exclamation
  105. Aesthetic
  106. Annihilate
  107. Ninety
  108. Forty
  109. Eighty
  110. Fifty
  111. Commission
  112. Committee
  113. Colleague
  114. Correspond


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